


Assimilated intellect. The Hidden 11th Sephiroth. The Abyss.

Daath operates on two levels, higher/hidden knowledge and lower/extending knowledge. This higher hidden level connects with Chokma and Binah establishing a continuous bond. The lower level as extending knowledge connect with Gebura, Chesad and Tipirath establishing the Mental Plane or Briatic Consciousness.

“In Da’at, all sefirot exist in their perfected state of infinite sharing.”


The Vault of Knowledge.

Tokenized data. Stored Conceptuals. Question and Answer mapping. Matrix/Gentrex.

The main database cloud where the assertion and metagram sets are stored as conseptuals. All solutions are dynamic and available to all sephiroth to use or modify. Access is managed and sequenced by Kether.

The Conceptuals contain the source objects or phrases and their tokenized meta information. The higher intellect classes will exchange tokenized attributes and lower intellect classes will use source data to construct and reflect interfaces.
